Ghostly shield Support [Li-Ming Update] by Asylumm

Ghostly shield Support [Li-Ming Update]

By: Asylumm
Last Updated: Feb 9, 2016
3 Votes
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Build 1 of 3


Build: Ghostly Shields

Level 1
Level 4
Level 7
Level 10
Level 13
Level 16
Level 20


Build: Gladiator Master

Level 1
Level 4
Level 7
Level 10
Level 13
Level 16
Level 20


Build: Chain Healing

Level 1
Level 4
Level 7
Level 10
Level 13
Level 16
Level 20

Overview Top

About this guide

I'm a fairly casual player here in Heroes. Normally only playing Quick Match. That doesn't mean that I don't know what I'm doing, most of the time at least. With the latest update Rehgar's talents have been shuffled around and drastically changed. After nearly a week I've found lightning shield to be the best way to go to both heal and augment your teams damage output.

Talents Top

Level 1

Colossal Totem

I really don't see a reason to pick this over the other choices in this tier, the totems big enough as it is, and if you really need it to have a bigger range to catch other heroes in it, then they are already out of your reach and shouldn't be bothered with.

Electric Charge

Increasing the range that Lightning shield hits is great, not only does it make hitting heroes running away from you a little bit easier, but you can also pester from a safer distance by placing it on your Earthbind Totem.

Wolf Run

Good pick if you want to get around the battlefield quick 10% is surprisingly noticeable. That said, You'd be sacrificing damage for movement, and since we are going all in on lightning shield it doesn't work for this build.

Lightning Bond

At first this seems great, then we see it says "Untalented" so we wont get any of the bonuses we give to our allies except for the bassic Lightning Shield abilities. Might as well just make theirs better then.

Level 4

Spiritwalker's Grace

Just like Wolf Run this isn't a bad choice, just not one for what we are doing here.

Feral Heart

This used to be a great talent, effectively making it so Rehgar hardly had to go to a fountain, but when I was placed in the same tier as other really good talents it became one of those choices that would be nice to have, but ultimately there is just better options as this tier.


Just as good as Spiritwalker's Grace but used it different builds, and since we are focusing on Lightning Shield this is the one to grab.

Healing Totem

Oh healing totem, you used to be so nice, sadly this is the worst talent in the tier as of now.

Level 7

Blood and Thunder

Honestly, this is the ONLY talent in this tier worth even looking at. a 2 second reduction in cool-down everytime you get an attack in while in ghost wolf form is a HUGE advantage. Esspecialy since Rehgar should be popping in and out of Ghost Wolf form as much as possible to take advantage of his Ghost Wolf trait.


It's a nice little utility, but this job can be done by so many other heroes so much better, skip it and never look back.


This is an interesting one, make a friendly hero unstoppable for 1 second, great to help escape from troubling CC so pick this one up if the other team is heavy on CC and you don't feel like you need the Cool-down reduction of Blood and Thunder.

Totemic Projection

If you didn't miss the first totem and the enemy hero escaped, you can chase and move the totem once to catch them, or you could just go into Ghost Wolf and chase them dealing some damage and reducing the cool-down of Earthbind Totem so you can place another one anyway. Severely under-powered talent.

Level 10

Ancestral Healing

Easiest choice in ultimate in the game, do you want to heal or not? It does require some practice to get good at knowing when to use it effectively. Too early and its potential is wasted, too late and your ally is now dead. Try to hit the one who's getting bursted down the hardest but has the biggest health pool.


This is the damage one, grab this if your team is heavy in Auto attackers. They will thank you.

Level 13

Earth Shield

Our lightning shield now gets damage mitigation added to it. You can't beat that.

Tidal Waves

Not a bad talent to reduce the cool-down of chain heal in team fights, but once again Lightning Shield is our priority here, so pass this one.

Earthliving Enchant

This is a fantastic choice if you are using Chain Heal often as it will give a little more oomph to your heals on low health targets, great for keeping that squishy mage up and fighting.

Level 16

Earthgrasp Totem

Not terrible considering its nearly a 1.2 second root, great choice if your team lacks the CC needed to finish off those pesky heroes. Although this late into the game it's not really worth it.

Hunger of the Wolf

Great talent to pick if your going against several high health pooled heroes such as Cho'Gal or Leroic. It's not nearly as good against assassins.

Rising Storm

Make the Lightning Shield do even more damage, Potential for triple the damage to be precise. This is the best choice overall for this tier regardless of what build you are using in my opinion, with Hunger of the Wolf coming in second.

Level 20

Farseer's Blessing

This tier makes up for the simple choices of level 10 by giving us several really good opinions. Farseer's Blessing gives our Ancestral Healing splash heals which are great for team fights.

Gladiator's War Shout

Grab this immediately if you chose Bloodlust at level 10 to heal your allies for hurting other things. It's a win-win.


This is where it gets tricky. This allows us to instantly refresh all of our basic abilities, allowing us to get 2 Chain Heal Lightning Shield or Earthbind Totem back to back. Great for those moments where you really need to get that extra power and speed out there. Highly Recommended.

Storm Shield

Probably the worst pick of the tier of amazing choices. The shield protects 20% of your allies health for 3 seconds. That's long enough to survive a heavy burst in a team fight and could also be very helpful while pushing as a team against those annoying towers and forts.

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