Iv been playing this build for some time. This is the go too build if you have 1 strong support already. You can dish out very nice off heals which can be clutch. However this build is all about being a hard hitter and focus firing targets down.
In a 5v5 team fight, play safe and stay far back. Let the tanks do their job and start the fight. If you see a nice spot of 3-4 heroes and you realize the fight will be staying here for some time toss down your Starfall. Starfall does ALOT of damage if left not noticed. Make sure you mark the target you are focusing and pop searing arrows with a stun and owl. This combo will do easily 30-50% damage alone.
Early Game
Use searing arrows too harass and get easy kills with your stun. I usually roam after I pick up searing arrows and try to gank for easy kills.
The level 20 talent can be changed depending on what is needed. If they have hard initiators jumping you all the time you may want to get blink. However since the range on starfall isn't the best having a global cast with extra damage can be nice. This is the best option if you feel safe and protected.
Late game
Catching 1 person out with long range flare could end you up with a 5v4 winning the game.
Has happened many times where one enemy over extends and I am able to catch him out. Use owls for gaining
information on camps and enemy position and late game for those crazy KOBE nukes. Remeber you are squishy
and have no great escapes. Dieing once late game can mean losing the game.
If you have any questions feel free to ask me. I am currently rank 10 with 63-44 rec atm.
twitch/gockydoto if you are bored and want to hangout and watch me hit rank 1! :D
Your HOTS pal,
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