Conjurer's Pursuit Unfortunately, Uther has mana issues that must be addressed as soon as possible. Selecting this talent will help greatly with overall mana management. Keep an eye on a lane & retrieve safely health globes.
Wave of Light The second best talent option in this tier. The reason this is not picked is because he has serious mana issues and it is difficult to properly cast the ability:
Holy Radiance, so it effects the most possible targets.
Hammer of the Lightbringer Generally, in the mid to late portion of a match, you are staying safely in the back line aiding your allies. You can't afford being in melee since you don't have an escape ability or a large health pool.
Fist of Justice As previously said, going into melee is dangerous, because of Uther's low survivability in a battle.
Also it will take time to fully get back
Hammer of Justice, because of his slow attack speed. Avoid selecting this.
Protective Shield Most players like to use this on tanks because of their high health points and having an extra ability under your belt to aid allies. This is also popular because of the rise of double bruisers in team compositions.
Boundless Conviction Although, this fixes many issues with the ability:
Holy Radiance, it is still preferable to pick more reliable talents that don't depend on certain conditions to be present. Even with practice it is unreliable.
Beacon of Light It is almost completely useless, since you won't be receiving too much damage in a team fight and the healing goes to complete waste if you have a full health pool. The healing it does is also barely noticeable.
Cleanse Never pass up the opportunity to take this. It allows you to save allied targets that might die to spells, such as:
Bone Prison,
Howling Blast, etc... Its also worth mentioning, that you cannot cast this on yourself.
Burden of Guilt Most of the time, if the target that you stunned does not die, a low movement speed reduction that last only 2 seconds, will not make a big difference. I only suggest this if the enemy has no stuns, slows, etc...
Holy Fire As I mentioned in the guide previously he has no escape abilities or a large health pool, so he's placed usually in the back line to aid allies without the paranoia of dying. I recommend picking another talent in this tier.
Divine Shield: An instant ability, which could potentially save the life of allies in peril. I recommend, using this talent on allies who are nearing death & haven't used their own level 10 ultimate talents. Pick it no matter what.
Divine Storm As Uther, you should be primarily behind your team helping your allies and rarely go into melee. This talent choice forces you to go into melee in order to aid your allies. Avoid picking this talent option at all cost.
Shrink Ray There is no doubt that this talent is the right choice. You can either cast this ability, to get closer to your intended target and follow up with the ability
Hammer of Justice or right after the stun. You be the judge
Holy Shock Uther, to start off has trouble with sustained healing, if you compare him to other top tier healers. This forces him to go offensive and use the ability:
Holy Light when it actually might be needed to heal an ally.
Spell Shield Typically, you won't have too many abilities thrown at you, if you position yourself properly behind your team. This talents lengthy cooldown & its meager 1.5 seconds spell damage reduction isn't worth picking up.
Blessed Champion Although, he is a melee hero, Uther's potential is through healing his allies, following closely the safety and back-line of your team. This is executed, so your healing abilities don't get interrupted or silenced.
Hardened Focus Very beneficial, because it reduces the cooldown of all your basic abilities. These abilities being available more often can help with multiple situations that might arise in a big team fight. Pick this up, at all cost.
Benediction The most useful basic ability to use this on is:
Holy Light, however, its lengthy cooldown makes it a sub-par talent compared to the previous talent. Unless there are 2 supports on your team I cant suggest this.
Righteous Defense After healing an ally with the basic ability:
Holy Light, its impossible to predict if enemies will continue to attack that same target. Also the bonus in armor it gives is only available for a very short window.
Gathering Radiance Unfortunately, because you are investing in casting an augmented:
Holy Radiance, you might hesitate to cast it just to heal 1 ally, thus wasting the fact that it can heal everybody in a line. Do not take.
Bulwark of Light If casted on the ideal heroes, for ex: ( a fast attacking hero such as
Valla or someone who hasn't used their ultimate yet) the extra duration gives more breathing room & time for you spells to get back up.
Storm Shield It has its advantages, but it really comes out if you have two heroes that have large health pools at least. I only suggest picking it, if your team is clearly taking a lot of damage through AOE, such as:
Redemption As Uther comes back to life, you canot be sure you are in a safe location that can help your team each time. Simply put, its has a lengthy cooldown and is heavily reliant on certain situations to happen perfectly.
Divine Hurricane This upgraded talent option cant be picked anymore, because a different ultimate talent was selected at Level 10. If this path ever becomes viable and useful in the meta I will consider making modifications.
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