Threat |
Hero |
Notes |
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Abathur |
Don't let him tee off on you for free. |
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Gazlowe |
Walk out of his stuns and don't get too close to him after he lays a mine to get ult'ed back into it. |
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Li Li |
Mirror and you should almost never kill each other. |
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Malfurion |
If healing could kill you? |
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Murky |
Murky you silly thing. |
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Raynor |
Blind counters him almost too well. |
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Rehgar |
Not enough damage from this one. |
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Tassadar |
Not much issues here, you cant kill him but he will likely never kill you either. |
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The Lost Vikings |
You can blind the entire group. |
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Chen |
Just blind him and walk away. You can not kill and he cant kill you. |
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Falstad |
During team fights if he is focusing you, just run and heal. |
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Nazeebo |
Don't get trapped and you will be fine. |
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Sgt. Hammer |
Just make sure your team is not getting blasted from siege |
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Zeratul |
See Nova |
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Azmodan |
Like all Champs vs Azmodan, lasers is bad. |
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Illidan |
Blind works well against him, be careful if he is level 10 before you though. |
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Nova |
Do not walk around with under 50% health and you will be fine. |
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Zagara |
Watch for her ult |
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Arthas |
Yes he can root you if you are not careful but all you have to do is blind and walk away. |
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Jaina |
She brings the damage but you can just walk away from most of it. |
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Valla |
Watch what ult she takes, if it is [Rain of Vengeance] be sure to note that and stay clear of it while using your ult. |
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Sonya |
She can stun and do some real damage if you are not careful. |
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Tyrande |
Her stun is a skill shot with a decent range to it. Be sure you are aware of it during team fights. |
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Kerrigan |
He stun is a skill shot but don't let that fool you, she can also bring some hurt to you. |
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Tychus |
The grenade can be a problem. |
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Diablo |
Just watch for which ult he takes and don't get stunned, also don't let him get close to you at any time. |
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Sylvanas |
her ult is a real problem because it is ranged. |
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Tyrael |
His ult can really kill team fights for you. |
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Brightwing |
Don't let him [polymorph] you |
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Thrall |
Watch for his ult and blind him as soon as he gets close. |
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Anub'arak |
Stuns are real and if you let him land them you could lose your team fights. |
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Uther |
Do not let him get close to you while team fighting as he will stun you. |
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E.T.C. |
ETC is all about getting to you and murder your soul. |
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Muradin |
Stuns are strong with this one. He will focus you, just try to run and heal. |
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Stitches |
Hook, stuns, eating you.... All three are not good for you. |
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