Threat |
Hero |
Notes |
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The Lost Vikings |
In team fights they are free resets and you should be able to solo all 3 of them as well. |
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Jaina |
Jaina's low mobility and health pool will allow you to be able to quickly burst her down in teamfights giving you the ability resets needed to continue your spree. |
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Gul'dan |
Gul'dan's main source of burst is his Corruption ability which you should be able to dodge all of if not the majority of it, he also has a high hit box and a low health pool. Be careful of his fear when diving. |
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Kel'Thuzad |
Much like Jaina , Kel'thuzad has low mobility as well as a low health pool. In addition to this he also has a larger hit box although if you do not dodge his combo he will most likely be able to burst you down enough to disable you from the team fight. In 1v1 scenarios you should be able to kite his abilities. |
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Ana |
Ana's low mobility and lack of escape makes her an easy target for Li Ming. She has the least self healing of the supports and you can combo her away from the range of her sleep dart. |
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Kael'thas |
Kael'thas is no threat to you if you take force armour, you can easily burst him down with his large hit box and he should be focused mainly in team fights. |
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Chromie |
Chromie's high burst makes her a slight threat to you although with force armour you should be able to sustain enough to get close to her, at a closer range you are most likely to be able to kill her faster. Her temporal loop is also less effectiive on you when calamity is active, simply time the teleport . |
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Valla |
Valla has a small hit box and as such during team fights she can usually kite your combo; but due to her low health pool you can go in and finish Valla off with calamity and start your reset rampages. If you stay out of the range from her auto attacks she should be no threat to you. |
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Illidan |
In a team where Illidan does not have a burst support to pair up with him (e.g Rehgar, Tassadar, Uther) he should be a free reset when he dives you if your allies assist. |
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Lúcio |
Lucio's sound barriers can interrupt your dive as well as his mobility making him a difficult target. He cannot do enough damage to you so he should be no threat. |
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Brightwing |
The damage reduction of pixie dust reduces Li Ming's overall burst his polymorph can also interrupt your combos. |
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The Butcher |
The Butcher Lamb to the Slaughter ultiimate is a threat to most and Li Ming is no exception, in team fights he should be focused down so that you can go into the fight with calamity without fear of being bursted down with auto attacks, if you can time your teleport when the butcher dives you with his E you can avoid the stun by teleporting behind him. |
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Alarak |
Alarak's combo is deadly for Li Ming, it disables her escape as well as doing a large portion of damage. His Counter Strike can also sabotage your calamity reset diving. |
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Anub'arak |
Anub'arak's built in spell armour makes Anub'arak a perfect counter to Li Ming. He can cocoon her if he needs to peel from another ally, on top of that his bugs can tank Li Ming's spells. |
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Valeera |
Valeera can quickly dive you and burst your health down, watch for her glimmer. |
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Gall |
Cho'Gall being two people makes calamity resets less efficient, on top of that his large hit box can peel for his teammates reducing your overall impact on teamfights. |
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Cho |
Cho'Gall being two people makes calamity resets less efficient, on top of that his large hit box can peel for his teammates reducing your overall impact on teamfights. |
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Abathur |
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