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After the Talent Overhaul of Vikings (nerfs) brought with the Butcher Patch, here's a Build that is viable for lane soaking. Lost Vikings are the most complicated character to play, as you aren't playing a single Hero, but rather three, add low survivability to that and you have a pretty solid idea about what's brewing.
This Build focuses on lane soaking, rather than damage dealing to Heroes and survivability.
Butcher Patch Changes Top
The Butcher Patch
- Brought a complete overhaul to the Lost Vikings Talents
- Most of the changes are heavy nerfs, which increase the skill cap for this Hero even further.
- The Trait was removed and all Vikings now have resurrection timers as normal Heroes.
- You may not be really satisfied with the changes, but they were really necessary, because the Hero had only a single viable Talent tree.
- You'll have a hard time picking your talents, because those being available in the past in different talent tiers are now available in the same Tiers.
- ...but the good thing is, the Lost Vikings are still top-notch, because their XP Soaking hasn't been touched.
The ideal map for the Lost Vikings would be a three-lane map, where you send all your vikings to a separate lane to soak Experience.
Ideal Maps
While playing a three-lane map, I send every Viking to a separate lane to kill mobs and soak experience.
On two-lane maps, depending on the need, I usually send two Vikings 1/3 to one lane and 2 (Bael) to the second lane.
Do not forget to constantly monitor your Vikings, by pressing 1 / 2 / 3 and hitting the Space Bar.
If you have difficulties pushing a certain lane, because there are too many enemies, you should ping that location and have others assist you, while you either go drink from a healing fountain with that specific Viking or hide.
The best places to hide your Viking for a short duration are bushes and other locations where your Viking is invisible, while you switch to the other Vikings. Note that pre-10 you're really weak, have no mount and if a lane is full of enemies, it's better to hide than die and commence with soaking after the lane is safe
- Lanes will be enemy-free mostly during objectives, such as Tribute Spawns, Temples, Eternals and so forth, so use it to your advantage.
If you do your job properly, your team should have the Heroic Ability before the enemy team and they'll be able to smash them down. If your team sucks, then you will (instead of the two-level advantage) usually be the same level as the enemy team.
Don't forget to tell your team players that they shouldn't be soaking with you or in your lane as long as there are no enemy Heroes around.
Talent Breakdown Top
Level 1
Explosive Attacks is a must. Increases damage done to minions.
Viking Bribery would be an awesome pick if you're going for a build, oriented for a Siege Pushing build.
Level 4
Pain Don't Hurt eliminates Health problems adds damage and survivability to Baelog.
It's a Sabotage is a great pick for a Siege Pushing build.
Level 7
Baelog the Fierce again a damage boost as long as Baelog's attacking.
Level 10
Play Again! is an absolute must, if one or two of your Vikings die, you will be able to resurrect them at the location of your alive Viking. The boat damage is garbage and its squishy. This isn't a build meant for Heroes.
Level 13
I pick Nordic Attack Squad for faster lane pushing and enemy Merc clearing.
Level 16
Executioner Further damage increase, but if you can't play safely and need that extra survivability, go with
64KB Marathon
Level 20
Fury of the Storm is an obvious choice for extra damage done to minions.
Checkpoint Reached isn't bad, but if you're a good Viking player, your Vikings
will (should lol) never die within 10 seconds of being resurrected if you know what you're doing.
Closing Top
I'll be updating this guide as soon as I can think of any aspect that should be added.
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