Rehgar - The Ultimate Gladiator by Haidoken

Rehgar - The Ultimate Gladiator

By: Haidoken
Last Updated: Mar 19, 2018
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Shalla | March 19, 2018 10:11am
Love your style. A really pretty guide. :)
Haidoken (16) | March 19, 2018 9:15pm
Thanks, I'm glad you like it!
Haidoken (16) | March 4, 2018 10:43pm
As of March 4, 2018, the guide has received a major overhaul with new formatting and more content.

Rehgar is one of the few heroes on the roster who doesn't have a cookie-cutter build, but instead has lots of viable options to adapt to your play style and the needs of your team. I've attempted to write the guide in such a way that each individual can decide for themselves what the right talents to choose are. As such, I've listed builds at the top of the page, but didn't include build paths in the body of the guide.

Please let me know what your thoughts are on this approach.
Santy (13) | January 1, 2017 4:44pm
Just wait a minute! There was no healer build here last time I checked. Is the gladiator going soft on the enemy? Not possible! ;)

Jokes aside, it is awesome to see this kept up to date. Thumbs up and Thanks. :)
Haidoken (16) | January 4, 2017 10:22am
hahaha as it turns out, there is a small percentage of hero league that doesn't appreciate the incredible hero damage/wave clear potential that Rehgar has. So I've been playing with a totem build that still let's him be on the front lines while also locking down the enemy team with earthbind CC
Santy (13) | January 7, 2017 11:57am
Yeah. You have no Thrall? No Problem Rehgar brings in his own Earthquake. :)
Ziarre (1) | April 27, 2016 6:18am
Love the writing style, super fun build, and it's even been working pretty well for me in QM. Rework + this build = holy **** why haven't I tried this hero before I MUST BUY HIM. Never looked back.
DJTigon | April 21, 2016 11:37pm
LOVE LOVE LOVE This guide. just started getting my feet wet with Rehgar last night and had a BW on my team so I went BL. EPIC.

Cant wait to see this evolve. Totally bookmarking.

Some thoughts on Specialists:

Gazlowe: Doubt his turrets get buffed from bloodlust, but he does AA and can pull the enemy in and stun them with his Gravobomb+TNT wombo. He could also split push if the comp fits

Xul: uhhh as much as a pain as he is to be against, put him ON Rehgar's team. 'Nuff Said. Again, can split push if it works for the team.

Abathur: Attack Speed Hat + CLONE REHGAR (or any AA hero on the team)


KHARAZIM double dive & heal. add in like an illidan/greymane/thrall/Kerrigan, + Diablo/Tyrael + another melee or ranged assassin.
XCrusherX | March 27, 2016 12:50am
Just dropping by to say I totally love your writing style in this guide - it was such a blast to read! I never felt more manly before trying out something new.

Since I'm mainly playing in the wood brackets, especially since playing with a friend, I'm afraid I won't have many chances to play an aggressive Rehgar since everyone instantly assumes to have a dedicated healer after this pick. Nevertheless this sounds like a really fun thing to try since Rehgar always felt kind of awkward in a pure healer role. It's always like the hero is meant to tear some **** apart despite the healing capabilities, but instead you are always forced to play cautiously. For that reason I usually pick other heales unless I feel like the team needs a little bit of extra damage and a healer that does not get rekt by an assassin instantly...which is rarely the case. So this sounds much more like something that actually gives some sort of satisfaction while playing.

Would love to see a healing build from you as well either way, since you can't always go the aggressive way (especially since Li Ming is so popular nowadays, so one pure casting assassin is pretty much guaranteed unless the enemy picks faster) and all the other guides seem to be outdated. Seems like noone bothers with Rehgar anymore since he is patched all the time anyway :D.
RazzleDazzl3 | March 21, 2016 7:24pm
Excellent post and worded so well! Keep them coming!
SteggySaurus | March 15, 2016 10:30pm
Hey, I'm 80k experience shy of hitting level 9 on Rehgar, and have enjoyed him since I started playing him in December / January 2016, and has recently became the hero I have won the most ranked games on.

With the upcoming change this week (16/3/16) to his Ancestral Healing no longer being able to self cast, I see a lot of potential in builds like this. It really works, even in solo queue, obviously with no voice comms, but I myself have swapped out a couple of things to be more hybrid and bring more utility. I have picked both totem talents, I do pick Cleanse if I am solo Support and I feel that the enemy team has too much hard cc, and Rewind. I enjoy the plays I can make with that talent, and the trades I can make without Gladiator's War Shout feels comparable.

However, it's a tough call to make at level 20. Storm Shield used to be my go to talent pick at this level, but I find Rewind gives so many more late game play options if you feel Gladiator's War Shout might not cut it due to the cooldown restriction of the ult itself.
Haidoken (16) | March 16, 2016 2:19pm
It's true that there's a lot of flexibility in his level twenty talents, and after I read your comment I went back to look at what I wrote and discovered that I left no room for flexibility in my guide haha. My writing style is a little more absolute, but that's kind of a part of my humor. I'll revise accordingly and add some more depth to my explanations.


Edit: Updated level 20 section
Arihuss | February 23, 2016 9:10am
awesome build if your team has AA and Melee heroes (Tyrael, Ray, thrall, zag sounds like best comp)

if the other team has heavy CC bloodlust is not that good so other talents can be better

As always, you need to evalaute both teams and play smart

thx for sharing!
Haidoken (16) | February 25, 2016 5:52pm
Totally agree. Luckily, Rehgar's Bloodlust isn't as susceptible to enemy CC as much as other heroics like Lili's Jug of 1,000 Cups.

What comps have you tried that you've particularly enjoyed? I always get a siege tank and an artanis/arthas on my team - because that what two of my friends always play as.
kolloz666 | February 23, 2016 3:29am
hey hey ... can you post replay here ? .. and is that build and playstyle with this group selections from this guide possible ? .. with a positive win rate ? .. i mean primary IN TL .. ty for answers
Haidoken (16) | February 25, 2016 6:38pm
I don't have time to add to the guide right now, so I'm just writing this at work. But I typically like to go with Rehgar + two warriors + one AA assassin + one mage/one specialist/second AA assassin.
kolloz666 | March 20, 2016 9:56am
Hello. because now in the course of time many nerd patches are published for Rehgar and there are week after week for more .. I wonder whether you have with your build strategy still great success in team league. he can no longer be cast on yourself ulty Rehgars healing now. What it no longer allows very hard into the other team purely to jump. and I also noticed by the hab it with bloodlust against havy dmg burst combos closely will beidsetigen up teamwipes comes I would now like to fine a month have more Current facts and also see what such as replays vs havy cc combos / Xuel and li ming combos. I look forward to your feedback. greetings Kolloz
Haidoken (16) | February 25, 2016 4:43pm
So my personal philosophy is that every champ is strong in their own regard and has a valuable role to fill; you just need to build the team around them. In this instance, Rehgar is the character that we're building around.

I want to upload some replays, but right now my friends that I play with and I all are busy with midterms. It will probably be a week or two before I can get some footage up. As a recommendation, would you prefer to hear video with only the gameplay audio or with our voices on top as we're playing? I can see people having a preference either way.
Ondazul | February 22, 2016 9:28pm
tried this build with some mates and it was a blast!
have a +1

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Haidoken (16) | February 22, 2016 4:03pm
I'm sorry to hear that you feel that way and appreciate you taking the time to leave some feedback. I would, however, request that you include what you would suggest changing to make the build more effective.

I agree that playing this build DOES require a full team using some kind of voice communication in order to maximize its benefits. I could very easily see where trying to use a bloodlust build would fall apart in a quick match if you are solo q'ing or going in as dyad. I did note at the level 10 section that ancestral healing might be a wiser choice in quick match, but perhaps that should be more clear as to why
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