Zagara - Team Ranged DPS, Zero Downtime by Tappin

Zagara - Team Ranged DPS, Zero Downtime

By: Tappin
Last Updated: Oct 17, 2015
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Allukarian (3) | December 29, 2015 1:48pm
This guide needs updating. Missing Infernal shrines and Towers of doom. But the talent choices still hold up. Wish you updated the threats as well Tappin (currently only 7 threats?)
mpeti | November 1, 2015 2:33am
This build is sooooo good!!! I always have top hero damage and huge siege damage with it!
JohnnyO777 | October 8, 2015 5:27am
Very useful & insightful. Thanks for putting this together m8.
Tappin (1) | July 30, 2015 7:37pm

Thanks, I still had a couple of references about the hydras despawning on the target disappearing or dying. I had changed the talent sections, but missed one section.

I never said you shouldn't use them on merc camps even when they despawned. Killing mercs quickly and getting back to safety,laning, or your team later in the game is important. In fact, my section about mercs even suggests how to use the hydra on each type of camp. I also use them on towers and buildings when no other heroes are around to scare away.

I still think it's a mistake to use a hunter against a minion wave, except maybe an end-game catapult. Hunters are very mana-intensive. Roaches and banelings are much better at killing whole waves if nobody is around. And if nobody is around, you aren't in a hurry to kill the wave. If someone is around, or even if someone might come around, you want hydras still available to chase away another hero so that you can soak while denying them xp.
siggboy (2) | July 30, 2015 5:11pm
It's not a problem to use Hydralisk/Mutalisk on minions or mercs. If the target dies, the Hydralisk will just attack the next available target. If no target remains, it will go to the nearest lane.

This means you can safely cast it on a minion wave and it will help you clear it (until it expires), doing its full damage in the process. You can also cast in when clearing merc camps for the same effect (of course it might die earlier because it's tanking hits).

The guide should be corrected in this regard.
Tappin (1) | July 1, 2015 8:16pm
July patch: Infest got worse, but it already was a bad choice. Hydras got better at chasing people down. It's still better to pick targets who can't immediately become invulnerable or blink away, though.
GodLord (2) | June 28, 2015 12:29pm
great guide, thanks bro
GiGGa (4) | June 24, 2015 3:49am
Loved the guide - as a main zagara player I can agree with all of this and I think this is a go-to guide for any player who wants to master zagara :)

Some notes:
- The Creep tumor regen is misunderstood because of the talent saying "Increases regen by 200%". The creep tumors act as Abathur's regenerative microbes would by giving you a set amount of extra regen when walking on them and not increasing any healing effects you would receive. (You probably know this by now)

- The Abathur Zagara Combo (Got nerfed a bit a while ago)
Optimal level: 16
Optimal Maps: Big Maps like Garden of Terror (Garden also works best)

Pocket Zerg Invasion:

Required talents:
- Global Mines.
- Ultimate evolution.
- Locust focus talents. (With Bombard Strain)

- Nydus worms
- Pushing talents (Not required but help) (Demolitionist, Roach talents or Baneling talents can work)

How to:
1) Abathur places a mine behind target enemy keep, out of the keep's range or it will be destroyed. (Grants vision for nydus)

2) Zagara throws Nydus worm on mine location. From this point on speed is key so act fast (The enemies will start reacting now)

3) Zagara goes through Nydus and places a tumor near the exit (for future sieges) , start bombing down the keep.
Meanwhile Abathur deep tunnels to same location, places his triple locusts and goes back to base with your B (Keep in mind Abathur can time it so he spawns a 4th locust when he arrives).

4) If enemies are slow or you are fast Abathur clones Zagara and helps with the siege.

5) THE MOMENT ENEMIES ARRIVE: Go into nydus and back to base. Try not to do this on the same side over and over as enemies will notice the pattern and wait.
Mezmoro | May 28, 2015 11:21am
Excellent guide. Thanks.
Tappin (1) | April 20, 2015 9:39pm
Updated level 13 choices. Mutas get a huge nod against The Lost Vikings. Forgot to mention Uther and especially Azmodan when considering Giant Killer.
Tappin (1) | April 10, 2015 6:38pm
Updated with my thoughts for the 2 new maps.
Answer. | April 2, 2015 2:05pm
I love this build! Great job!
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