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I am a long time player that's been playing HoTs since well into the alpha, in fact, I can remember starting right before the last wipe as the game entered open beta - so I've been around awhile. I like to think of myself as a hardcore casual, I play a lot, but I don't really take much seriously unless I want to. I'm just here to play after all!

In the current season(2017 Season 4) I am Diamond 2 at the moment of writing this, with an account level of 1096. I play just about anything, filling a very flex role, however when doing ranked with my friends I will often find myself filling the role of ranged carry. As such, I have a selection of my favorite heroes to play currently: Falstad, Greymane, Genji. I also will in times play Zeratul and more for my friends during ranked. But those three are the most commonly used by me during team league.

I'm not very picky of the skill level of who I play with is, however, I am picky of who I play with. I dislike elitists immensely in most cases. If you cannot go without throwing out insults and BMing others, then don't ever bother me. But if you enjoy having fun and just having a good laugh, then hit me up anytime! I'd be happy to toss you an invite sometime so we can play.

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