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BattleTag: Norrian#11416
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About Me

I'm an experienced player currently looking for a new friend. A group of friends and I recently lost a friend due to a lesser disagreement, thus we're looking for a 5th in order to continue pushing as far as we can in Team League. We don't things super seriously, so if you're a elitist you may wish to stray from us. However, we want to improve our play and reach at the very least, Diamond. Currently in our team, for rankings we have: Platinum 4, Platinum 3, Silver 4, Gold 3. So we have a varied level of skill, but we're brought together by our love for the game - thus, we don't care your skill level, if you're new and don't know much? That's okay, we'd be happy to have you! Are you a veteran to the game, but never made it far? That's fine too. We're quite kind, albeit we can get very loud and obnoxious - in times our humor can even be insulting. But we're here to have fun. If that sounds like something you'd like, hit me up!
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