How to be a fish and give no fux about literally ANYTHING by Aristophanes

How to be a fish and give no fux about literally ANYTHING

By: Aristophanes
Last Updated: Apr 20, 2015
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Build: Build #3

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Introduction: who am I and what is Murky Top

DISCLAIMER: this guide is not meant to be offensive, nor you should feel offended by anything I say, everything out of the professional rail I say is meant to give the guide a humourous taste which will hopefully help the reader read through this obnoxiously long wall of characters, speaking of which, don't be surprised if you can find some typos, I try to re-read stuff most of the time but I guess that if it doesn't make like zero sense, sometimes, I cba editing lol. If there's anything you'd like to ask me or stuff, feel free to and just remember I spent time doing this for you guys, because I love you and I long for world peace and health care in the united states.

Hello *******, I'm not going to tell you what my name is nor you should care, what you should know tho, is that I am extremely experienced in mobas, I've been playing them forever, really, like hon, one of my personal favorites, in which I was the best player ever, leagues of legends and, on a late mention because it's sluggish and detestable, dota too.
In fact, I'm so damn good at all of these and despite not playing any other classic moba, exception made for a few games on strife and smite which are uncompetitive to the bone anyway, I really am the best.
Now, you won't be psychologically keen on trusting me because I'm bragging and all but you know what? That being wary of yours is the very reason you're a terrible Murky player and you're looking for a guide right now.
Imagine playing your everyday hero, looking at the map, being careful for ganks, heading right towards objectives and checking timers in order to be the most efficient you could possibly be and consequently win the game, well that's all right, we got it, you probably watch competitive streaming five hours a day and you're very well indoctrinated on how not to be a complete disgrace to your team.
Now imagine yourself in a jacuzzi in Miami, warm fizz chilling your backbone while you sip a tropical cocktail with two very hot naked girls holding your 5000 dollars laptop, not even being careful about not dropping it because what the hell is 5000 dollars to you anyway, meantime, two butlers wearing tuxedos are shaving your neckbeard and feeding you tasty sushi directly imported from the finest fishmonger in Japan; that's what playing Murky is like, you basically give no ****s, at all.

Murky is an effective ganker, splitpusher, annoyer, tank, ranged dps, fish, washing mashine, shark bashing **********er and he is so awesome that by the time you've finished reading this guide, some doctor from er will be holding your jaw.
Most of the people I've discussed Murky with have argued that he is extremely fragile, not fit for some maps and generally, it's very easy not to play well if you don't know exactly your priorities and, you know what Sigmund ****ing Freud would say about them? He'd say they're *******. And that's cause despite its being fragile and - insert random ***** blabbering - playing Murky is more than just playing a hero, it's a way of life, you don't give a straight damn about being fragile when you're packing a six pack and a minigun to smash your keys with a spray of heavy gunfire.
Just get your fact straight, there is a reason I'm saying all this, and that reason is: Murky is a man, to be able to handle playing Murky, you'll have to think like a man, get in a man's shoes.
I kindly advise ******* to get straight out if they're not willing to take a real fish's path, otherwise, go buy yourself some fresh plankton because ****'s about to go down.

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Power spikes:
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In-depths skillset description Top

Spawn Egg (D): this is one of the two key parts to playing Murky, your bread and butter, to fully understand what Spawn Egg means, answer this simple question: what would you do if you were given the ability to respawn after 5 seconds comfortably at home, at your workplace or wherever the hell you prefer as long as you have this weird egg-clock placed? Personally I'd just place it, grab my keys and just go speeding on a highway, against the flow. That explains what this skill gives you access to: feel free to be aggressive as ****, make the enemies feel your presence at all times, be around every corner, in every pushed lane, take advantage of any lousy spasm of their concentration, with Murky around, they cannot feel safe, they should be paranoid, always on edge. You take 1/4th of the risk other heroes do, and even going as #yolo as you can, you'll find that your death counter will just be average, as long as you actually do something, do not care about going all out and dying, that obviously doesn't mean you're allowed to just kill yourself anytime for no reason, back to the former question: given the ability to respawn, you wouldn't hang yourself, that'd be ****ing pointless, people only do it if they plan on dying, in this metaphor, dying equals feeding, and if you plan on feeding why the **** are you even laying this egg or reading this guide at all?

Slime (Q): despite being an awesome damage tool, this skill is kinda plain, you just USE IT and THEY DIE, end of the road, it's ****ing over. Unless your accostumed to being a fish, it'll take you some times to get used to the range in order to splash the **** out of enemies at its max range to prevent them from escaping from your slimy fish grasp.
This skill is also utterly disrespectful: imagine a giant fish, wielding a fish, who just squirts brownish slime at a heavy armored space marine or horrid unknown creature in order to let them know who is going to wait for 60 seconds in order to respawn? Exactly, they are, you're just going to get away, worst case scenario, you wait five seconds, come back and slime right back at them until my point it proven.

Pufferfish (W): mainly a pushing tool, really, unless you can combo it with Octo-Grab, it'll nearly be impossible for you to hit this because it takes a ****load of time for it to burst and, you know, they are normally free to move around, unless of course you manage to have your team help you (rest assured, it won't help often), and on top of it standing there for three whole seconds, it's also breakable!
This is one of the main reasons why I advise against spending talents on this skill, although we'll be talking in-depth about talents later.

If you expect me to say that March of the Murlocs is a good skill, with extremely high damage potential and that it's also versitile as it's an effective pushing tool, you're out of your ******** mind.
I'll take this chance to talk about how splitpushing is not your priority as Murky: splitpushing Murky is basically a really bulky creep that spawns right behind the objective and keeps being a tumor by annoying the **** of of the enemy team, and that, left alone the fact that with decent awareness in their side it'll be frustrating for you, is not bad at all, the problem is that focusing on this choice bores you out of your mind, it doesn't require any particular key wonder, just the basic splitpushing knowledge really and in most scenarios, your team won't benefit too much from it because hots is plenty more about objectives and map control than raw pushing, in fect, with good control over objectives and stuff you'll be pushing more thanks to temples/pirates ****ing their base or bosses being spawned.
Short but rightful mention that taking march of the ***lings means not taking octo-grab, skip ahead if you're interested in why octo-grab is ****ing awesome.
That being said, splitpushing is not really considerable bad and if you like playing ****ing minions and enjoy doing what an AI could possibly do, go ahead, but this guide here won't be helping you, you'll be branded a *****, spend some time in the gym, buy yourself a costly car, get a mothereffin' tan and then come back here, I bet you'll agree.
On the other hand, Octo-Grab is just GOLDEN, it's a ground breaking ganking tool, a 3 seconds long cc that grants huge potential to any gank by just locking on, walking in and just left ****ing clicking.
On top of that, you can also make excellent use of that, even by yourself, for example, it's the only current known way to hit an enemy with Pufferfish without anyway keeping him still, three seconds is also a lot of time you might use to wait for your cooldowns to end, the fact that you can Rewind makes it an awesome tool for stalling, being able to use it twice, allowing you to get away easily with a basically spammable Safety Bubble and everything. As you can see, there is no way one could prefer the march over this unless they're going for the full braindead splitpush OR have a really, like REALLY consistent crowd control based team.

Safety Bubble (E): I kept the best for last. Remember when you read the Spawn Egg description? That's right, I mentioned two key parts in playing Murky, one of them being dat lovely D skill, the other part is safety bubble. Safety Bubble is your escape, distance closer, bamboozle prestige that literally allows you to do ANYTHING: with Bubble Breeze, Bubble Machine, Rejuvenating Bubble and Rewind you'll be floating around in your safe bubble, sipping your iced tea while speeding yourself up and restoring 50% of your life, seriously what the **** were hots devs even thinking about when they decided to let you do this? UNLUCKILY ENOUGH, despite all the perks, there is a huge downside in Rejuvenating Bubble that we'll be discussing later, but really, this skill works all types of wonders, making you fab and impressingly hard to take down despite having literally zero hps.

Why you should be following my talent tips without arguing Top

Tier one:
  • Assault Egg: what?
  • Block: despite it sounding laughable as a talent, your serious lack of any health of overall survivability, left alone safety bubble, makes Block actually look pretty hot, blocking an hit means a lot for you, it makes you significanlty more durable and helps a ton, especially during the laning phase.
    But this isn't quite enough for it to surpass Bubble Breeze or Bribe
  • Bribe: bribe is actually kinda good, your w is a creep killing machine and you're not bad at jungling even without this one, overall it grants you some addictional pushing and it can be decent, or it would, at least, if Bubble Breeze wasn't clearly superior. Take it if you're a freak obsessed with pushing and would rather given up mobility that innerve each and every bit of the game to slightly enhance pushing.
  • Bubble Breeze: nothing to say, first of the (luckily) many bubble enhancing mechanics that will make you shine.

Tier two:
So the choice here is kinda, iunno, debated. I see all the guys around here seem to prefer Living the Dream, but seriously? Living the Dream is strong, we get that, it also seems to be very valuable to Murky player and I can understand why but this ability makes you want to ***** out unconsciously, this is extremely bad and worsens your play-style, furthermore, you can make use of it in like 30% of the games, the remaining 70% you'll just be forced into being a ***** not to have wasted a ********ed talent slot to be fancy.
Go for Envenom, it grants you an AMAZING power spike and stays decent all game long, it can also be an unexpected extra damage source that can bamboozle the enemies and make you survive longer, get extra kills and stuff. Do it.

Tier three:
Tier three, aka the useless tier, just get Slime Advantage for that extra little bit of ridiculously high damage, Hindering Slime is hardly noticeable in comparison, and the other ones are just quirky, including Compressed Air which makes no sense like AT ALL and Clairvoyance which has a niche of utility but doesn't really suit your playstyle, since you don't really take too much risk in face-checking, being given a defensive get-out-of-jail-for-free skill and zero ****s given on top of that, however, since Slime Advantage is not really that game breaking all around, I guess you could go for Clairvoyance as the only viable alternative if your team requires vision? I can hardly imagine a situation where you pick Murky with such thorn in the side, tho.

Tier four:
See the skillset analysys and why is Octo-Grab superior if you're a man.

Tier five:
Bubble Machine all the way, with the only viable alternative being... Hidden Assault which is... I don't know, I was struck by its bamboozleness at first and used to pick it somethimes, it's good for some surprise buttsex, it can have a valid niche I suppose if you can make advantage of it, with that one running they will have a harder time figuring out where you're popping out from and that is great, especially in situations where you respawn extremely near to the enemies making your situation critical, however Bubble Machine stays better due to INCREDIBLY HIGH synergy with the rest of our current (and yet-to-be) talent choice, so yeah.

Tier six:
Ok so... In this tier you basically have a "choice". I personally would ALWAYS recommend Rejuvenating Bubble as a superior talent, allowing you to turn your already strong escape maneuver into a SELF HEALING TOOL OF DOOM, combined with our next talent choice: Rewind, Rejuvenating Bubble is exceptionally useful and has great bamboozle potential.
On the other hand, we have Blood for Blood which is NOT bad, like at all: combined with Envenom it just adds up to your unending source of massive *****slappery, plus, the healing is insane (depending on the target) and, despite its longer cooldown which makes the healing look clearly inferior to Rejuvenating Bubble (and, arguably, it is), it's instant, making it a better bamboozle move for you to CONFUSE THE *****ES.

Tier seven:
Bolt of the Storm on Murky nearly makes no sense, you already have decent mobility and a skill that allows you to dive the enemy frontline so you don't really need a gap closer/engaging ability (of course it wouldn't be 100% **** but there's a better choice), and as for escaping, if your invulnerability + self healing and stuff are not enough, it's really not worth going further lengths to escape.
Upgrading your ultimate with ... and a shark too might be a little more useful, but remember that in the 60% of the situations you'll be able to land the Octo-Grab without being interrupted/killed, you won't really need extra damage as there'll be someone to back you up, in the remaining 40% of the times, you'll be on your own and you could use extra damage to be a stronger solo ganker so, yeah, the choice is decent but we're still going for the Rewind which, used properly, can be strong both offensively AND defensively.

Addictional playstyle information: Top

work in progress :3

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