Nice guide! Been seeing Lunara pop up quite often these days for some reason. Just because I'm curious, based on how you wrote about her talents, do you think Lunara has good versatility? And what are your thoughts on having a level where her only talents are for her whisp?
Lunara does well at poking enemies down, great in extended fights, a little bit of peel with her W, and becomes a great tank shredder at the later levels as long as you are careful and don't get stunned. She, however, does not excel in a team heavily focused on diving the enemy team, so she is useful in many comps but not all. I'm indifferent to the wisp tier; atleast we get some "versatility" because it doesn't matter too much, but I'm not thrilled due to our first damage upgrade being at 7.
Completely agree with you there. Still, your approach to her on this guide is still pretty good! I might try her out with this build since I've got a few friends that think shes not a good character.
I'm new to Lunara (usually use Sylvanas) and been looking at different builds for her and so far out of the handful of games I've used her, this build has helped me out a bit more than the couple other builds I've tried...Although I still need to practice on bettering the leaps :p
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