This a strong team (also see the additional abathur build if you notice you are not dealing enough damage to structures). Abathur can easily destroy structures with Illidan and Falstad. Stich is so strong in combo with Illidan. The pull after a ton of damage is done by any of the team member locks in a kill. Falstad has an amazing hammer that later on grants stuns. I also found his lightening rod extremely useful against any champ. Lili is easily one of the best healers, accompanied by her annoying serpent she is also now able to push lanes with minions after having the ability allowing her to get a serpent after casting it on a fellow ally. Those serpents come in handy not only in engaging but fleeing. the healing buff the target receives on each basic attack that the serpent does is clearly amazing. you don't even have to be facing the same direction it will attack automatically and can save you from a lot of clutch attacks. Illidan is strong for taking out mercs, sniping enimies with the hunt, as well as being great for pushing.
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