I got Master Skin with Sylvanas by now and have a blast playing her. I feel your Build is a bit unrealistic as there is not a single defensive Talent.
Evasive Fire is one of the best Talents in the Game. However your good your Positioning is man, you need at least Teleport, Evasive Fire or Stealth Banshees.
Furthermore is barbed Shot useless in team Fights and you clear waves fast enough already.
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I got Master Skin with Sylvanas by now and have a blast playing her. I feel your Build is a bit unrealistic as there is not a single defensive Talent.
Evasive Fire is one of the best Talents in the Game. However your good your Positioning is man, you need at least Teleport, Evasive Fire or Stealth Banshees.
Furthermore is barbed Shot useless in team Fights and you clear waves fast enough already.