The Hidden Knowledge of Anub by MrJPickles

The Hidden Knowledge of Anub

By: MrJPickles
Last Updated: Jun 21, 2016
112 Votes
Build 1 of 4


Build: The CC with Sustain Train

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Threats to Anub'arak with this build

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Threat Hero Notes
Abathur It's Abathur...He really can't fight you 1v1 and is only a MAJOR problem when he Ultimate Evolutions someone.
E.T.C. No threat really. Mosh can be ended by Anub very easily.
Li Li LiLi has nothing really to harm Anub.
Diablo Really can't do too much to Anub to cause problems. If you get flipped just dig dig dig
Murky Murky's damage from dying and coming back will eventually get you but play smart and you'll be fine. Octo-grab is the biggest worry if the enemy team is with Murky
Rehgar Other than a slight snare Rehgar isn't a major problem for Anub.
Stitches Mediocre threat do to the hook but Anub can dig away and also has beetles that can eat the hooks.
Muradin Some stuns can cause issues but nothing major to worry about.
Sonya Decent damage and whirlwind to deal with beetles. Overall though not a major threat
Uther Need to be careful when stunned otherwise Anub can't get off his combo or dig away.
Chen The shield can cause issues but Anub has enough CC to deal with it for a little bit of time
Sgt. Hammer Anub can get to Sgt.Hammer with ease. Knock back is only a temp fix against Anub. Hammer will mostly boost away
Tyrande CC and mark will drop the already delicate bruiser. Play it smart and Tyrande will drop fast with our counter CC.
Arthas Anub can feed off of his ghouls with Locust swarm and since there is a travel time on his snare it gives Anub time to dig away if needed. If Arthas goes sindragosa then it may cause issues for Anub's sustain.
Malfurion Roots can prevent Anub from digging away which can cause problems into chain CC and your demise. Nightmare will hurt as well!
Brightwing No relentless for Anub so poly can cause issues. Brightwing can win a poke war too. Easy to gank Brightwing though
Azmodan Lots of summons can cause issues for Anub but the CC and beetles should be enough to return the favor
The Lost Vikings Can deal some good damage but the CC with Anub and if you go locust swarm can do some nice damage to the vikings
Tyrael Good damage and shields. Somewhat even fight. Healing beetles will help.
Zagara Good damage against Anub but with teammates will be CC'd to death by him.
Gazlowe Turrets will deal with the beetles and Anub. Be smart when engaging.
Illidan Shields and a few heals allows Illidan to fight against Anub. The stuns at the right times though will put Anub ahead
Kerrigan Decent threat as Anub and Kerrigan are very much alike. A lot of CC on both and if chained will kill the other. Kerrigan does have more damage!
Tassadar Decent damage and can shield damage. Also has an easy escape from Anub
Nova Right now Nova's damage can deal with Anub but with CC and a few heals Nova stands no chance.
Nazeebo Be smart when engaging and don't get surrounded by the corpses. Should be able to take out Nazeebo with slight back and forth.
Raynor His knockback and overall damage will hurt as well as his passive regen. Proc his regen from afar and then dig under him to secure the kill.
Zeratul Zeratul's poke and run will eventually take you out. In a straight fight though Anub can take him with good shield timing.
Jaina With her kiting and slows it is rather difficult to stick on top of her. Although there are gap closes for Anub she can cause problems in just bursting him down.
Tychus A little less difficult than Valla but still in the same window of kiting Anub. Proper poking will help.
Falstad Same as Tychus and Valla, able to kite and still damage Anub from afar
Thrall If you burrow charge in you're in trouble. Thrall will beat you in a straight 1v1 fight and your beetles will help him with his sustain.
Valla Laning against Valla she will devastate you. Difficult to gap close due to vault and can keep distance. Tough to chase down. Poke at valla don't hard engage.
Sylvanas Her AOE and escape abilities can render Anub rather useless. You can interrupt her escape with well timed stuns but it is difficult
  No Threat


Build: Beetle Build

Level 1
Level 4
Level 7
Level 10
Level 13
Level 16
Level 20


Build: Beetle with Control

Level 1
Level 4
Level 7
Level 10
Level 13
Level 16
Level 20


Build: Team Play Anub

Level 1
Level 4
Level 7
Level 10
Level 13
Level 16
Level 20

About Me Top


My name is Jonathon "MrJPickles". I've played many hours of Dota and Dota 2 as well as playing League of Legends since release. I have reached Plat 1 for two seasons running, more-so as a joke than actual skill. I wanted to show that you can have fun with the game and still play well to reach high ranks. I played League until I had access to Heroes of the Storm(which I am very very grateful to have access to as LoL is just....bleh). I now play competitively in the community and plan on sticking with this game for many years to come. I hope to teach players a good mindset for gaming as well as solid gameplay and skills! I am a former member of 2ARC Iliad playing as their tank/initiator. This is my first guide here out of many to come ^_^

Check out my Abathur guide!!

Check out my Lost Vikings survival guide!

You can find me at:
MrJPickles Website:
Twitter: @MrJPickles

The Build Top

This build is meant to have strong synergy or setup with the team. Running another tank such as Arthas Kerrigan or Chen will work well with Anub'arak because he can setup or continue the CC train that these other heroes bring.

I'll go over all the talent tiers and what talents work for whichever situation arises. Heroes of the Storm is rather reactive so it is wise to have a number of builds you can go to or talents you can quick switch to when needed!

The main build shown above though is my go to build with Anub'arak and what I have mainly run with in competitive play.

The Troll Beetle Build is exactly that. Troll. It's not the greatest especially since the beetles are pretty derpy and run away almost all the time into lanes instead of fighting heroes in the jungle. Still fun though from time to time!!
  • Green = Solid talent picks.
  • Yellow = Variable talent picks.
  • Red = Avoidable talent picks.
  • Orange = Still testing but applicable in some cases.


Extended Spikes
I really like this talent especially if there are some heroes that you know will be in the back line and you need to hit them. If Nazeebo is on the other team then I would instantly pick this talent up. If they have a lot of back-line that you want to cc and then get to this talent helps immensely. Along with Bed of Barbs this talent brings quite a bit to the table.
Dampen Magic
A rather decent talent choice especially when against a Nova or any other high spell damage dealer like Falstad, Chromie or Kael'thas. Another flex pick depending on the situation you are put in. I find this talent most useful though when against a Nova to help lower her burst damage.
Assault Scarab
Look to take this talent if you plan on taking more beetle talents. It offers some better wave clear and hero damage but the beetles are rather week and will die to almost any aoe. Also, if you need to be more tanky for your team or if the enemy has a lot of AOE (or almost any) then I would avoid this talent and go for Dampen Magic or even Regeneration Master
Regeneration Master
After a few changes to this talent I feel it has lost some value. The beetles being stronger as well has lessened this talent. It can be nice at times but overall I feel the range on Impale or the locust attack damage is stronger.


This talent works amazingly well with Impale and Rewind giving him even more CC!! Also the range helps a lot if you either need to escape or engage at a far range. The damage buff too I mean. More damage. everyone likes more damage.
Locust Needles
I would maybe test this talent out if I had the option for Battle Momentum but since that isn't a choice in any of Anub's talents then this talent can be ignored. There is better. I will say that this talent helps with lane clearing and can do work if everyone is clumped up in team fights.
Legion of Beetles
I have started to pick this talent more as it can really help with clearing and pushing lanes since it gives a little more damage for Anub. It has a chance to eat Stitches Hook but you have burrow to get out of that. It has slight lane clear and merc camp clearing help. Overall though Underking is a little more solid of a talent.


Shed Exoskeleton
It is nice to have that extra speed to move in or out of fights. Pretty decent talent all around. Great for chasing or running away.
Chitinous Plating
Between this talent and Shed Exoskeleton both are really good. If you would rather move fast then go for shed. If you need more shields more frequently then go for this talent.
Leeching Scarabs
Another beetle build talent!! This is a great talent with anything that has the Beetle image in it! The beetles will die quickly so you may not get maximum usage out of them. If you are in the jungle though for majority of your time then this will make it a bit easier. Kinda an iffy talent though. there are some good choices on this tier. DON'T GO THIS TALENT WHEN ACTUALLY PLAYING...THIS IS A TROLL TALENT...


Locust Swarm
This Ultimate allows Anub to have a little more survivability in team fights or enough life gain to get out of a sticky situation. A very strong ultimate when triggered at the right time. Be wary of enemy teams having a lot of CC or silences as they can shut you down before you even have the chance to pop the ultimate. Also don't heavily rely on this to keep you alive. It's great but not THAT great. I find myself taking Cocoon more frequently as I mostly see 1 support teams. Pick this if they have double and you feel your team can't focus one person down.
Another strong ultimate choice but needs to be taken only if your team has good focus targeting and if the opposing team has no damage over times. Stiches passive or Nazeebo's passive will make this ult useless. Any area of effects can take ult out immediately giving it no value. Valla's Strafe, Nazeebo's Ravenous Spirit, or even Arthas' Frozen Tempest will break the web immediately. This ultimate though being 8 SECONDS LONGS!!!!! emphasis on is super strong. If they are running one support then I STRONGLY suggest this talent. Cocoon their one support and kill the rest of the team as fast as you can. If a team runs double support then this ult loses some value but can still be useful because then they probably are lacking damage. Cocoon one support and kill the other! If your team has that focus :P I also like to use this to catch people that over extend. Locks them in a bad spot and you can get an easy pick.


Burning Rage
This is a pretty solid talent if you are looking for more damage or if you need to clear Zagara creep tumors or catch a stealthy out. If you want more damage though then Urticating Spines is the talent for you.
Urticating Spines
I am always a big fan of more damage and now this does DOUBLE DAMAGE TO HEROES!! In combination with Chitinous Plating it is possible to deal some dirty amounts of damage. I do like bed of barbs though as the slow and extra damage is nice especially if you already have Extended Spikes at level one. Both this and Bed of Barbs are solid talent choices.
Bed of Barbs
I really like this talent to keep enemies close and allow your team to follow up after casting Impale. This talent also helps with clearing lane creeps and any mercenaries. Since there are thin lanes and areas on some maps such as Cursed Hollow and Garden of Terror this talent gains value because it can cover most of that area.


This talent sounds very appealing but there are better talents in this tier! When combo'd with Rewind it can be pretty awesome but overall I still find better talents on this tier. Flex pick though if you find yourself hitting a lot of the enemy team because that extra CC area is nice and lower cooldown.
Beetle, Juiced
O what clever wordplay Blizzard. If you are going beetle build then here's your icing on the cake! SUMMON ALL THE BEETLES!! Fun talent but like i stated earlier, if they have a lot of aoe then these beetles will probably die too quick to get any value from them. The choice is yours though. If you aren't going beetle build then I would ignore this talent.
Blood for Blood
This talent is amazing if the enemy team has high health tanks such as Diablo, Arthas, or Stitches. If multiple members of your team can pick this talent then I'd say go for it! If you feel you need more survivability then pick this talent. If you feel like you aren't being threatened or want to dive back line then Epicenter may be better.


Hive Master
This talent is amazing especially in comparison to the other level 20 talents. More sustain and more damage. The thing is though there are some other talents at this level that have more appeal such as Rewind or Hardened Shield
Being able to fight around your Cocoon and keep them CC'd for 4 extra seconds is amazing. I feel there are other strong talents on this tier but this definitely has its place if you need to keep someone out of the fight a bit longer. I would go something else as the duration is long enough though.
Hardened Shield
This talent is super strong especially if you are being focused down. Let yourself take some damage and then pop this and Locust Swarm and watch your health rise! (at least if there are enough enemies around). I like this talent a lot but I also like Rewind. More of a play-style/personal preference choice.
This talent is amazing with Anub! MORE CC MORE DAMAGE! Love it. You can lock up an entire team for a long duration with this. Also if you Burrow Charge in and find that you are dying super quickly, you can rewind and burrow charge out. If you want more beefiness though look towards Hardened Shield but if you want more team lockup then this talent is for you!

Why I Really Like Rewind Top

This is why I think Rewind is amazing!
Rewind to lock up enemies or get out of a sticky situation!

Playstyle Top

Anub'Arak requires a confident engagement with a team that will follow you up. If you go too deep then you will just be destroyed, if you don't go deep then your team may get pushed on by the opponent. I like to have another tank that can dive quickly with him such as Kerrigan or Chen. With the other tank you can almost switch off who takes the damage since Anub has a great disengage with Burrow Charge.

If you are just running Anub as the only tank then two supports would be preferred. His survivability is rather poor so the double support will help. Even with two supports though, when you engage you probably shouldn't try to burrow charge away as this will leave your team wide open for the enemy. Just play smart and make sure you communicate your CC and when you are backing out of the fight.

Body Blocking Top

It's not a talent you pick up or anything to do with any one specific character. All you do is get on the side your enemy is trying to run to and block them. You are the defensive line and your goal is to not let them touch your quarterback. With Burrow Charge, Anub can easily get on the opposite side of the enemy. When this happens most players will try to run away since your team will be coming for them. This is when you body block. Don't worry too much about auto-attacking and just walk infront of them, delaying them from running away. Being able to body block effectively will turn you from a good player into a great player. It helps setup kills and secure kills and is also another form of CC, without it being an actual spell you have to click to use.

Gameplay Top

Here is live commentary gameplay of my Anub'Arak!
You can always join my stream and ask me to play him if you'd like ^_^

This is an updated video as of Monk release to Anub'Arak! Remember to ask questions if I missed anything! Thanks!


  • Anub is weak to range damage during laning phase such as Valla, Tychus, and Falstad
  • Rewind is amazing to double the CC power or to get in, CC, then dig out
  • If against solo support Cocoon is really strong as you can eliminate them from the fight for 8 seconds. If against double support then both Cocoon and Locust Swarm have their perks.
  • Make sure to be reactive when playing as one build isn't always the greatest build for some heroes
  • I will be editing this guide to make sure it stays up to date with changes in game or if I come across something else I like
  • Please let me know what you think, be it what you like or don't like, or anything I can edit here ^_^
Thanks again for reading this guide!

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