Atk Per Sec
No Cost Cooldown: 8s
Sweep the area with sacred power, dealing 40 damage to enemies and an additional 160 damage to enemies caught in the center.
No Cost Cooldown: 4s
Consume Auriel's stored energy and heal allied Heroes in the area for the amount of energy consumed.
No Cost Cooldown: 12s
Deal 55 damage to the first enemy Hero hit and knock them back. If they collide with terrain, they are also stunned for 1.25 seconds and take an additional 165 damage.
No Cost Cooldown: 100s
Heroic Ability
Channel on the spirit of a dead ally for 1 seconds. After a 5 second delay, they are brought back to life with 50% of their maximum Health at the location where they died.
No Cost Cooldown: 60s
Heroic Ability
Place an allied Hero into Stasis for 2 seconds. Upon expiration, Crystal Aegis deals 255 damage to all nearby enemies.
Trait Cooldown: 1.50s
Passive: 60% of the damage Auriel deals to Heroes and 20% dealt to non-Heroes is stored as energy.
Bestow an allied Hero with Hope. While they remain near Auriel, 30% of their damage to Heroes and 10% of their damage to non-Heroes is converted to energy. Auriel can only have Bestow Hope on 1 ally at a time.
Auriel can store up to 475 energy.
Create your own Heroes of the Storm (HotS) build and talent selection with the HeroesFire Talent Calculator. Select Auriel’s talents, and watch as Auriel’s abilities are affected by your talent selection. Expand the abilities to see Auriel’s advanced ability stats and information. Use the level slider to see Auriel’s stats and ability details at every level. When you’re done, share your build by using the copy link or quick share features. This tool works for any Heroes of the Storm hero and the talent and ability details are updated every patch.
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