Atk Per Sec
No Cost Cooldown: 6s
Dive at the target, dealing 66 (+4% per level) damage and flipping to the other side of the target.
No Cost Charge Cooldown: 8s
Dash towards target point, dealing 119 (+4% per level) damage to enemies along the way. Hitting an enemy increases Illidan's Basic Attack damage by 35% for 3 seconds.
No Cost Cooldown: 100s
Heroic Ability
Charge to target unit, dealing 251 (+4% per level) damage on impact and stunning for 1 second.
No Cost Cooldown: 120s
Heroic Ability
Transform into Demon Form at the target location, dealing 46 (+4% per level) damage in the area. Temporarily increases maximum Health by 220 (+4% per level) for each Hero hit by the initial impact. Lasts for 18 seconds.
Basic Attacks heal for 30% of damage dealt and reduce Ability cooldowns by 1 second.
Create your own Heroes of the Storm (HotS) build and talent selection with the HeroesFire Talent Calculator. Select Illidan’s talents, and watch as Illidan’s abilities are affected by your talent selection. Expand the abilities to see Illidan’s advanced ability stats and information. Use the level slider to see Illidan’s stats and ability details at every level. When you’re done, share your build by using the copy link or quick share features. This tool works for any Heroes of the Storm hero and the talent and ability details are updated every patch.
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