Atk Per Sec
Mana: 60 Cooldown: 8s
After 0.5 seconds, cause an area to explode with pollen dealing 160 (+4% per level) damage.
Mana: 50 Cooldown: 10s
Enemies currently afflicted by Nature's Toxin have its duration increased by 3 seconds and are slowed by 40% decaying over 3 seconds.
No Cost Cooldown: 30s
Spawn a Wisp to scout an area. Can be redirected once active. When the Wisp is in a bush for more than 2 seconds, its vision radius is increased by 75%. Lasts 45 seconds.
Mana: 35 Charge Cooldown: 15s
Heroic Ability
Send forth vines that deal 184 (+4% per level) damage to all enemies in a line.
Stores up to 3 charges.
Mana: 50 Charge Cooldown: 20s
Heroic Ability
Leap over an enemy, slowing them by 80% for 0.35 seconds and dealing 271 (+4% per level) damage.
Stores up to 2 charges.
Lunara's Basic Attacks and damaging Abilities poison their target, dealing 33 (+4% per level) damage a second for 3 seconds. Every additional application increases the duration by 3 seconds, up to a maximum of 9 seconds.
No Cost Cooldown: 20s
Target an Ally to remove all damage over time and disabling effects from them and Lunara. For 2 seconds after, the duration of disabling effects is reduced by 50%.
Create your own Heroes of the Storm (HotS) build and talent selection with the HeroesFire Talent Calculator. Select Lunara’s talents, and watch as Lunara’s abilities are affected by your talent selection. Expand the abilities to see Lunara’s advanced ability stats and information. Use the level slider to see Lunara’s stats and ability details at every level. When you’re done, share your build by using the copy link or quick share features. This tool works for any Heroes of the Storm hero and the talent and ability details are updated every patch.
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