Pugschnizzles Builds by poinstang

Pugschnizzles Builds

By: poinstang
Last Updated: Jun 5, 2017
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Build 1 of 6


Build: Abathur (Support)

Level 1
Level 4
Level 7
Level 10
Level 13
Level 16
Level 20


Build: Nazeebo

Level 1
Level 4
Level 7
Level 10
Level 13
Level 16
Level 20


Build: Zagara

Level 1
Level 4
Level 7
Level 10
Level 13
Level 16
Level 20


Build: Azmodan

Level 1
Level 4
Level 7
Level 10
Level 13
Level 16
Level 20


Build: Malfurion

Level 1
Level 4
Level 7
Level 10
Level 13
Level 16
Level 20


Build: Tychus

Level 1
Level 4
Level 7
Level 10
Level 13
Level 16
Level 20

Abathur Top

Theres a pushing build, damage build, mines build, support build... hes pretty versatile. Ill just put some tips and put all the talent combinations up there.

- Symbioting them is also called hatting... cause it looks like a hat
- (support) With your first 2 talents, you can hat someone, put on shield, wait 1 second and get off.. and it will continue healing for its duration after you left them. This lets you get a lot more heals in because the cooldowns refresh when you unhat them.
- Use that MULE constantly if you have that talent
- (support) You can double heal with hivemind at level 20. Dont forget the hat/unhat trick to get more heals... so you can hat, double shield, double spike burst, then repeat

Malfurion Top

Level 1 - Scouting Drone especially if they have stealth. If enemy has stealth character always pick this, but its good regardless.

Level 4 - If your team is going to need mana, might as well go with Versatile (more mana return on innervate). But increased range can make a big difference on whether you land a good root or not... it also will help with the moonfire damage talents later on

Level 7 - MULE lets you heal your structures... its always good and cleanse is good but it really depends on if youll need it badly or not. Healing structures can be pretty good if you use them at the right time

Level 10 - Tranquility is good if your whole team needs to heal up before a team fight and is low, but is bad in the actual team fight. the silence can be realllly good especially with the level 20 upgrade

Level 13 - If they have a butcher or illidan or someone thats melee and is diving your team and bursting people down, go Shrink Ray and save it for them. If your getting ccd ice block might be a good idea if you have a team that can support you... otherwise go moonfire radius + moonfire talent next tier.

Level 16 - If you got the moonfire talent at level 13, getting Lunar Shower lets you spam this and do a lot of damage with no mana cost...and you can chase people really well. If you went something else for level 13, get the slowing moonfire talent if your team needs CC. Otherwise get the bigger roots

Level 20 - All are good choices. I like the upgraded ult. pick this one situationally.
if you are about to push core or defend core and levels down, the shield can be pretty good because everyone will be grouped together and it might save you. The silence could also work if you can get close enough. If you are getting gankeda get the bolt... if you need more cc get double root (rewind)

- Really focus on leading the root ahead of them. if you are going to aim it on them, aim for the very center of the root and about 1 character width ahead of where they are walking
- Once you get the cheaper moonfires, just spam it constantly but dont forget to heal too
- Save the silence for the right time, for example an enemy lili's ult, or one of your own teammates ults. Maybe someone that has low hp and needs to get in to use their own ult

Nazeebo Top

Spiders or Toads?
If they have a heavy front line with lots of melee, toads is probably better. If they have sufficient healing to out heal your spiders, go toads. If they have multiple back line casters, probably go spiders and range talent.

Level 1 -
If you need some sustain for your comp, or arent needed to do a ton of damage for your team, spider build might be the best way to go. I feel like the extra range talent helps in a lot of situation, but its best to practice with his default range and get that extra dps. For toads build, the 5 toads is going to allow you to do a ton of damage in combo with your level 7 talent.

Level 4 -
If your going to be laning a lot, go Big Voodoo... if team fights, do healing corpse spiders. It gives you more sustain. Just make sure you stay in the back. (I normally go spiders)

Level 7 -
If spider build, spider talent. If toads build, toad talent.

Level 10 -
Gargantuan is good, but I never seem to use it. It is good if you need more CC on your team and can pay attention to using the gargantuans ability, but otherwise... a zombie wall (or another CC on your team) combined with spirit can be REALLY good. Tons of damage

Level 13 -
If the enemy team is doing a lot of basic attack damage, get the toads with armor. If they are all casters (aside from tanks), get Superstition. This is very OP and gives you a huge advantage if they are all mages and tanks. If they are mixed, toads armor is better. If they have a lot of CC, and can zone you out good, ice block might be the best way to go to save yourself from bursts.

Level 16 -
Spiders - spider build
soul harvest - toads build (this works on summoned minions, lane minions, mercs, heroes...anything) ... just dont dive in to get the max benefit from it and get yourself killed

Level 20 -
Get upgraded ult

- When running, stutter step with his abilities, not basic attacks (unless cooldowns are gone)
- careful on your mana. make sure you always have enough for a zombie wall
- if you are running from someone thats right on your tail, put the zombie wall right on yourself. by the time it comes up you will be out of it and they will be in it
- you can use the zombie wall to block off choke points too. you dont necessarily have to trap someone inside. if you are about to cap boss, right before its dead you could put the wall in a spot they might be coming from to slow them down. or run up to boss and wall yourself inside of it to ensure they dont steal

Azmodan Top

Level 1 -
Always go sieging wrath unless you have a comp/map that lets you get lots of minion kills and also be safe (such as spider queen) , and also have a good amount of practice at azmodan. If you dont dominate with azmodan already, and have the right map/comp ... go sieging wrath. Taste for Blood is too hard to be effective unless you really focus on it all game.

Level 4 -
Army of hell reduces mana cost for demon warriors. This just lets you save more mana for your Q

Level 7 -
Always go missile speed on your Q. AZMODUNK

Level 10 -
Black Pool lets you do massive damage with your Q... Press ALT+R to use it on yourself, then Q quickly to shoot your orb. Make sure you arent still holding ALT when using your Q, or it will cast it on yourself and waste it

Level 13 -
Allows you to save more mana. You should already have all the damage you need with your Q and black pool

Level 16 -
Summon demon warrior on impact with your Q... This lets you troll objectives more like curse, nukes, towers of doom tower, etc. while staying at a safe distance.

Level 20 -
Get the blink. It will be your only means of escape and is really good on a character like azmodan who has no escapes and is going to be getting a lot closer to the core around this level


Zagara Top

Level 1 -
Always go long range banelings... so if you cant get close enough for something you can at least throw a bunch of banelines out... good to stay at max range for banelings most of the time, and move in when its safe.

Level 4 -
Medusa blades is good for poke damage if thats the role your filling.... if you need a little more burst on your teamm go serrated spines. But I almost always go medusa blades, for extra waveclear and getting camps faster. Shes good at giving your team an xp lead.

Level 7 -
Slowing banelings is good for when someone is chasing you. It can give you a slight edge and let you actually escape if you periodically turn around to throw one at them when they are chasing you. If that wont be a problem, and mana isnt a problem, the extra banelings talent is good for more poke... but I almost always go slowing banelings... it lets you escape a lot of situations, and you can save your team a lot with it by continually shooting one every second at them.. especially with the long range level 1 talent.

Level 10 -
Nydus worm can regen your health/mana just like the core...so this can help you do a lot more. If you need to get rid of some enemies during a team fight because they are going to burst you... go devouring maw. Also go devouring maw against a falstad, as he can just fly to your nydus and kill you when you pop out.

Level 13 -
If you have nydus, you shouldnt need the hydralisk heals. So go armor if your up against basic attackers, and spell shield against mages or stealth characters.

Level 16 -
Do Corrosive Saliva if you are up against a double tank team, otherwise mutalisk is good. Mutalisk is good if htey dont notice it, or to chase easier. So use mutalisk on low hp enemies only. You can also nydus to a location away from enemies and stick the mutalisk on a tower, fort, or wall with no ammo and it will sit there for 45 seconds pushing.

Level 20 -
Endless Creep... extra move speed on creep.

- stay at max range most of the time. zagara has no escapes
- you can drop roachlings ( a little ahead of time ) or even a hydralisk between you and where an enemy might be to block their attack (such as li mings orb)
- nydus worm full heals health/mana

Template Top

Level 1 -

Level 4 -

Level 7 -

Level 10 -

Level 13 -

Level 16 -

Level 20 -


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