Pro Builds with Explanation (Artanis Patch) by Bric71

Pro Builds with Explanation (Artanis Patch)

By: Bric71
Last Updated: Nov 15, 2015
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Arrion (1) | December 9, 2015 11:44am
Okay I'm just here to say you're wrong about one thing. Solo/Duo Queue does not mean you're not willing to work with a team. It means you either A) Can't find a team of people you work good with, or B) like to test your luck with a random team, to see how high you can climb.

Really it's stupid to make such idiotic assumptions. I play Hero League, because I can't find a team of people I get along with, play well with, and enjoy the game with. I bust my *** as a support player to work with the three to four pugs I get in Hero League, and like anyone else, I have my ups and downs in a match.
Galdoran | November 17, 2015 1:57pm
Hey, just wanted to mention you have a minor typo (at least to me) in your writings. Play style, Tank, second sentence in that paragraph you should see. :)
The word "then" appears to be off, needs to be changed to "they"
Right no reads, "so then can do damage."

Just thought you should know.
sect | November 15, 2015 6:47pm
how does Lt. Morales influence Kael'Thas taking Pyroblast?
Roidrage (2) | October 29, 2015 1:28am
Some good information on basics though not entirely true, especially since you put heroes in certain roles that you think they belong in, even if you have not played them yet.

For example Tyrael is more considered an Offtank, since he is lacking the CC to peel for the team(except for his Ult, but that is usually a better initiator skill then a peel in itself, since its on such a high CD).

Also Kharazim is a really good solo healer, yes you wrote that your opinion in this guide is that he is better as a dps support, but i guess that we have a different opinion about that.

I understand that you are trying to write a guide according to your perspective, but reading that you have not even played more than maybe half of the heroes, it's just hard to taake advice from someone in a guide that is as generalized in all if you lack the knowledge.
Maybe you should keep the "Haven't played him yet." to yourself and just leave it at "Coming Soon.", and write this whole guide with less of a subjective standpoint, and try to cover it more in an objektive way.
Bric71 (1) | October 31, 2015 7:29pm
I VERY much appreciate your input and I understand what you are saying. You are right in the fact that I might have put the people that I didnt play in the wrong area and now that I read it again, my off tank explanation was off so I just took it out. I will try to make the changes that you have given me except for the Monk. I agree with you that he is a much better healer then dps but, like you said I just like to play him as dps cause it is more fun. :) I have all my heroes to Level 5 but I dont think I know enough to give advice yet so I will make that change (Thanks). Please keep commenting cause I want to make this as good as I can especially for the new people that I play with. Hopefully you will agree with my update and if you dont please let me know how to make it better.
PS. This is my first guide so be gentle.
sts3mike (1) | October 15, 2015 2:57pm
Good job
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